I just wanted to give you a very quick update on where we’re at in the current situation.
The accSYS office closed on 13th March and the team are now working at home. The change in location has little impact on us operationally and we continue to manage your website/resources as normal. The schools/nurseries closure will place some more pressure on our team however we have sufficient resource to cover those affected. I’m lucky enough to have a fantastic team around me and we’ll continue to deliver a fast and high quality service to you.
Our support team have been (understandably) inundated with requests to add COVID-19 announcements and content to our customers’ websites. We will process these requests as quickly as we can and have allocated more resource to the support team to help you.
We’ve posted relevant COVID-19 content into all our websites and sent emails out. We continue to work with our partners at Mercia and Practice Track to keep this content updated as announcements are made.
If you do have any particular requests then please do email us and ask, we’ll always do our best to help you.
Best wishes and stay safe
Duncan Bush
Managing Director
accSYS Digital Ltd